National Conference on Science Technology Engineering & Management (STEM - 2024)

Amritsar Group of Colleges Amritsar, proudly announcing “National Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management (STEM- 2024) on March 22-23, 2024. The aim of the conference is related to the sustainable goals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management (STEM). These goals and targets include the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG s). The focus is to target papers related to innovation in industries with science and technology (SDG 9). The sustainable manufacturing processes, re-manufacturing, induction of IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Industry. This encompasses enhancing regional and international cooperation on science, technology, and innovation, strengthening the means of implementation, and revitalizing global partnerships for sustainable development. The conference also seeks to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all while promoting sustained, inclusive, sustainable buildings and clean energy (SDG 07).

Objectives :

  • Implementation of Sustainable Processes in Industry and Infrastructures.
  • Role of Experts systems via. Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence in Industry.
  • Recent technological trends in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Science in-line with various Engineering Applications.
  • ⁠Role of SDGs in Industry for Economic Growth.

Paper Submission Link

gmail  stem2024@acetedu.in