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Library|agc amritsar

The Central Library of Amritsar Group of Colleges is the heartthrob of the institute which is working successfully on the road of development since its inception in the year 2002. The library houses in 725 sq. m. area and consists of an adequately rich collection of over 32762 books. The institute recognizes the importance of the library as a good learning resource; therefore, library collection is updated regularly with the latest books and other reading material. All the books are timely accessioned, classified, catalogued and well arranged to make these easily accessible to the users.
We have also set up a Digital Library which is well equipped with 20 systems. The digital library helps the students to access various e-reading material in the library. We have developed in-house Library Management System. The automated library system has enhanced the quality of library services in various sections. All the books have been labelled with bar codes. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is highly helpful to the users to search any book anytime and anywhere. OPAC has enabled to retrieve the books expeditiously.


  1. Carpet Area 725 Sq. Mt.
  2. Digital Library
  3. 9 Cubicles
  4. Competitive Exam Section
  5. Technical Section
  6. Circulation Section
  7. Archive & Maintenance Section
  8. Wi-Fi facility
  9. Centrally Air-Conditioned


  1. Reprography
  2. Current Awareness Services
  3. Reference Services
  4. Indexing of articles

Collection Development

Number of Books 32762
No. of titles 6239
No. of E-Books 468
No. of E-Journals 153
No. of Self-Learning Websites 93
No. of other e- resources (CDs & Videos etc.) 409
No. of Journals 25
No. of Newspapers 14
No. of Computers 22

Library Automation

We have developed in-house Library Management System. It comprises 4 modules as mentioned below;

  • Accessioning of books
  • Membership to new members
  • Circulation of books
  • Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

All the books have been labelled with bar codes.

Best Practices

AGC Book Club

The Central Library has established a Book Club which is an initiative by revered Director Finance, Madam Ragini Sharma. The club has been established with an objective to enhance the reading habits. The members of the club mutually decide a book to be reviewed in the next meeting. The interested may get the membership of AGC Book Club by filling a form available at counter in the Central Library. The membership to this club is free.

Wall of Radiance

We have also set up “Wall of Radiance” in the library. Under this initiative any one can donate books and any one can take books for free of cost.

Reader of the Month

We also have a monthly routine to take a draw of visitors in the to declare “Reader of the Month”. The teachers and students are announced separately as “Reader of the Month”. The winners are awarded with a Memento & Certificate of Appreciation.

Students’ Library Committee

We have constituted a ‘Students’ Library Committee’. This committee organizes various academic events like mock campus placement, quiz, public speaking contest etc. The interested students of any semester or any department appear in the scheduled interview to be the member of this committee. Such interviews are scheduled once in a year.

Indexing Services

We also provide indexing service to our users. We send the periodicals to the concerned members of faculty and they mark the important articles in a prescribed proforma. The list of such articles is circulated among the users.

Library Timings
Area Timings
Central Library 8:30 am to 3:00 am
Circulation 9:30 am to 3:45 pm
Digital Library 9:30 am to 3:00 am
  • Library Remain open on all Saturdays
  • Library remains on open on Sundays during MSTs and Semester End Exams
  • Library remains off on 26th January, 15th August and 2nd October.