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Beginning The New Year And New Session With The Benediction Of The Omnipresent, Shri Akhand Path Sahib Ji Like Always, Held At Agc

Amritsar Group of Colleges, Amritsar, organized Sri Akhand Sahib Path & Hawan Yagya to commemorate the start of the new semester in January 2025. According to college custom, this solemn ceremony was held on campus, during which the Hon'ble Chairman AGC, Adv. Sh. Amit Sharma, Ms. Ragini Sharma (Director- Finance, AGC), Dr. Rajneesh Arora (Managing Director, AGC), Dr. Gaurav Tejpal (Principal AGC), Dr. Avon Kumar Vaid, (Principal ALC) Deans, Heads, and the entire faculty and staff bowed their heads before God and wished for the success and bright future of the students. On January 10, 2025, the Bhog of Sri Akhand Path of Shri Guru Granth Sahib was solemnized at the seminar hall of the Amritsar Group of Colleges. Adv Sh Amit Sharma Ji, Chairman AGC said that our Guru Sahiban showed us the way of honesty, unity, truth, and bravery while asking for peace, progress, and prosperity. We must heed their advice and accept the path they have chosen. They also motivated the personnel to make significant contributions to community education and the eradication of social ills. Following the Bhog, communal langar was also provided. "The Hawan and Shri Akhand Path was organized for a pure and immaculate beginning of the academic session and to inculcate the genuine spirit of the college among the students where tradition and excellence go hand in hand," stated Dr. Gaurav Tejpal, the college's principal, at the event.