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Centre of Excellence

Center of Excellence

1. Big Data Analytics

 Computer-Systems   30
 Configuration  Thin Clients (30) Server: Intel Xeon, 16 GB RAM, 8 TB HDD 
 Software  Linux, Hadoop 2.6.0 , jdk 1.8,Flume, Hbase, Sqoop, Spark  
 Total Cost  Rs. 25,16,300/-

2. Cyber Security and Cyber Forensics

 Computer  Systems   28
 Configuration  M/B Lenovo, Processor G2020 2.90 GHz, RAM 2GB DDR3, HDD 500 GB 
 Software Sedulity Operating System, Ethical Hacking tools 
 Total Cost  Rs. 9,90,990/-

3. National Instrument – Wireless Lab

National Instruments apparatus/equipment’s available in advanced wireless communication lab (R& D lab) of Electronics and Communication Department. Amritsar Group of Colleges, Amritsar has a state of art and world class Wireless lab from national instruments with the sophisticated latest hardware and software.

4. Advanced Wireless Communication Lab.(under DST-FIST Program)

Vector Network Analyzer is primarily used for research and development in:

 Name of Equipment/Software   Vector Network Analyzer  
 Brand/Make    ANRITSU/S820E
 Year of Purchase    2016
 Cost of Equipment    17.23 lac

5. Robotics and Industrial Automation

Department of Mechanical Engineering is having a Centre of Excellence in Robotics and Industrial Automation. This is the first center in north India catering the needs of students in the domain of Robotics and Automation technology. Established in association with and under the guidance of experts from Robolab Technologies, the COE serves as an excellent platform for the students from all engineering branches model their ideas of domain.