Dean Training & Placements Message

Mr.Rakesh Jaitly(Dean Training & Placements)
We at the central Training & Placement cell always put all out efforts to satisfy the student’s expectations for their future career goals. After graduation some students are planning to go for higher education & we organize seminars, lectures for appropriate selection of courses, university. We have developed an entrepreneurship cell to help & guide the students aspiring to go ahead with entrepreneurship. For the majority of the students thinking of making a career in the best corporate, we work on two parameters.
1. To develop their personality by way of conducting personality development programs by expert faculty members as well as industrial experts.
2. Our close association with the best corporate and our campus connect initiative is helping us in organizing a good number of campus drives for entry level recruitment.
Year on year the number of corporates visiting the campus for recruitment is ever increasing. All recruiters readily agree on the fact that AGC students not only possess an ability to perform in challenging environments but also have a sharp sense to identify opportunities, and have a positive attitude and fire in the belly to excel.