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Seminar on G-20 Summit 2023 Held At AGC

Amritsar Group of Colleges, AGC organized a seminar on G-20 Summit 2023 in its campus on 14th march 2023. Er. Shwet Malik Ji, Former-Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Former President , BJP, Punjab Dr. Raj Kumar Verka Ji, Cabinet Minister, Govt. Of Punjab, Vice President BJP, Punjab, Vice Chairman, SC Commission, Government of India along with Adv Sh Amit Sharma (Chairman, AGC) , Dr Vijay Kumar Banga (Principal, AGC), Dr Amit Sarin, Director, IKGPTU, Amritsar, Dr Harpreet Singh Soch, Head, Deptt of CSE, Govt. Polytechnical, Amritsar, Deans, Heads, faculty and students were present in the seminar. The seminar was organized to create awareness about G20 and its programs. Dr. V K Banga, Principal AGC welcomed the esteemed dignitaries and said that the G20 is the most important platform for global economic cooperation. It will promote Punjab especially Amritsar as a preferred destination for business on the international level and it will also provide a stage to the government to showcase its achievements and facilities for setting up new businesses.

Speaking on the occasion, Er. Shwet Malik Ji, Former-Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Former President, BJP, Punjab said that this is a golden opportunity when India can be presented as a land of best opportunities and by bringing maximum investment we can create new employment opportunities for the youth.

Delivering special remarks Dr. Raj Kumar Verka Ji, Cabinet Minister, Govt. Of Punjab, Vice President BJP, Punjab, Vice Chairman, SC Commission, Government of India said “The society in India values consultation and we always progress together. We also search for multilateral agreements, which are essential for development, safety, and security. Dr. Amit Sarin, Director, IKGPTU, Amritsar, Dr Harpreet Singh Soch, Head, Deptt of CSE, Govt. Polytechnic, Amritsar also encouraged students to contribute towards a futuristic, prosperous, inclusive, and developed society, distinguished by a human-centric approach at its core.

Adv Sh Amit Sharma (Chairman, AGC) added that The G20 has a message for the entire world. And AGC, a technical institute, is constantly prepared to take the lead and support the state and the country in development. One earth, One family, One future is India's message to the rest of the world.