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The Department of Management Studies

The Department of Management Studies of AGC Amritsar-one of the Top B.A. Colleges in Amritsar (Punjab), established in the year 2004 is well-wrought in providing management education. The department’s ultimate goal is to create qualitative and competent managers whilst providing them with an opportunity of the best campus placements in Punjab. B.A. Journalism & Mass Communication offered by one of the Top Journalism Colleges in Punjab (India), the AGC’s Amritsar Group of Colleges is designed to organize students efficiently to achieve common objectives of the corporate world.
Additionally, the department sights at developing a student's executive personality, intellectual ability, and managerial skills through an appropriate blending of general along with the business education. The program assists the student in understanding and developing the unique leadership qualities required for successfully managing the business functions of an organizational unit or an enterprise. This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of management education and to inculcate entrepreneurship skills among the students. BA graduates of this Top B.A. College will have bright prospects and they will be able to rise quickly in position and salary as well. BA is emerging as the most sought undergraduate degree in the management field providing a rewarding management career to the aspirants. After completing 3-year degree in BA, the students can go for higher courses like MBA, M.Com, Master in Finance & Control, M.A, trade, law, financial analysts, communication, etc.
The Department is currently offering 3 years (comprising of 6 semesters) B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication), wherein the national and international students are showing keen interest to study in a Best Management Colleges in Punjab (India). The curriculum of the (BA) degree covers all the aspects of Principles and Practices of management, digital media, graphics and designing, reporting and editing, radio production, data journalism, photo journalism, and a lot more about the management field.
The syllabus is specially designed and updated every year to let the students meet the latest industry trends and avail job opportunities in the Government and private sectors related to the business administration fields like HR, finance, consultancy, marketing, banking, etc. Achieving the ‘Excellent Institute for Corporate Training’ by AICTE & CMAI, AGC’s Amritsar Group of Colleges is becoming a pioneer of world-class education in the field of management by offering excellent opportunities to the business administration aspirants. Hence, we being the Best B.A. College in Amritsar, Punjab, aim at training future management graduates to develop their personality and pave a way for a successful career.

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