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Purple Wheat is the New Brown in Wheat

“The AGC Agro Farm is practically a guided tour to learn new techniques in natural farming, over the last 2 years; we have understood the importance of consuming healthy food, which is where at the top of the pyramid, comes organically. Black rice, Red rice, Black wheat, and purple organic wheat are a very important cereal to boost immunity,” says Hon’ble Madam Ragini Sharma (Director Finance, AGC).

After the successful cultivation of black rice, red rice, and black wheat at AGC AGRO ORGANIC , Farm now we have sown purple wheat at AGC AGRO ORGANIC FARM. Purple wheat is rich in anthocyanins, proteins, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is rich in iron and zinc than normal wheat. We can use vermicompost in fish water to raise the level of yield and to achieve other targets in wheat. As vermicompost is nutrient-rich organic compost. Rather than using it directly in the field of purple wheat, if it gets combined with fish water it would give us high and better results. Vermicompost can utilize as food for invertebrate fish food organisms as well as for fish's direct consumption. They primarily release nutrient in the water body and application of such water as irrigation in wheat crop improve Quality and increase yield. Department of Agriculture has a well-established vermicompost unit at AGC AGRO ORGANIC FARM.


We are collectively facing a Pandemic threat that is sweeping across humanity beyond oceans and Vermicomposting or worm composting is a simple technology for converting biodegradable waste into organic manure with the help of earthworms. Vermicompost has been recognized as a natural and cheap safe and steady biofertilizer with the potential to promote aquaculture nutrition. This is because vermicompost contains high nutrients, organic matter, microbial biomass, and exchangeable cations suitable for supplying nutrients for phytoplankton, providing food directly to zooplankton and fish as well as improving immunity, disease resistance, and physiochemical properties of water and pond sediment quality. Besides that, it is highly considered over traditional composting because it regulates, improves, enhances, and promotes itself, and conserves nutrients and microbial communities, involves low or no energy, forms little or no sludge, and releases minimal greenhouse gases. Integrating vermicomposting into fish-cum agricultural activities can not only improve fish yields but also improve water and resource management, thus promoting sustainable aquaculture, and improving food security and ecological balance.

Purple Wheat

Wheat (Triticum spp.) is a nutritionally important cereal grain worldwide and is second only to maize in terms of production and utilization. Purple wheat seeds are a good source of anthocyanins which are natural plant pigments with potent antioxidant capacity. Their unique color and potential to contribute health benefits to consumers is attracting attention.