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Agriculture Labs

Department Labs

    The 4-year degree course B. Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture at Amritsar Group of Colleges aims to teach the students of the agriculture department with the theoretical and practical aspects. The academic autonomy of Amritsar Group of Colleges helps the students to develop the relevant industry-oriented syllabus. To impart the practical quality teaching among the students, we possess various laboratories in the agriculture department that help the students grow practically among which the soil testing lab is of distinguished reputation which helps the local farmers to test the productivity level of the soil of their fields. Other labs include:

  • Agronomy/Seed Technology Lab:

    These laboratories are an essential organization in seed quality control programs and seed authentication. The final cause is to provide information about the quality of the seed to the producer, consumer, and seed industry.

  • Horticulture Lab:

    The Horticulture Lab traverses the worth chain of leafy foods creation, from seed frameworks to postharvest practices and showcasing. Improving occupations — through higher benefits and expanded supplement rich weight control plans.

  • Plant Tissue culture and Genetics/Mirobiology Lab:

    A Tissue Culture Laboratory is where little plants are developed in an atmosphere compartment/chamber or development chamber for exploration, increase or propagation. It incorporates cutting rooms, media rooms, and development chambers. What's more, a Microbiology Lab is where little living beings (called microorganisms) are examined and developed.

  • Biology Lab:

    The biology department at Amritsar Group of Colleges has several laboratories where students work alongside faculty on research projects in a realm such as ecology, anatomy, genetics, molecular biology, plant and animal development, animal behavior, and microbiology.

  • Entomology Lab:

    In the Agriculture Department at AGC, the entomology laboratory is highly-equipped for research on the methodical ecology of insects and bio-control of insects or pests. In this laboratory, the students work on various projects stipulated to them.

  • Plant Pathology Lab:

    The Plant Pathology Laboratory is equipped to attain and preserve the plant material in segregation for the identification and diagnosis of the diseases in the vegetables and fruit crops, caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria, insects, nematodes, and mites included in quarantine and non-quarantine lists.

  • Soil Science Lab:

    The College possesses a personalized soil testing labs where the local farmers come to test the productivity or fertilizing capacity, nutrient content, composition & acidity or pH levels, the expected growth potential of the soils in their farms.

Furthermore, we have Principles of Seed Technology Lab; Biochemistry lab; Molecular Biotechnology Lab; and Elementary Microbiology Labs, and well-equipped infrastructure through which the highly competent faculty imparts the practical education among the students of the B. Sc. Agriculture.