HOD Message of Applied Science Department

Ms. Binod Kaur
(HOD-Applied Sciences)
The Department of Applied Sciences works for the strong foundation stone of the budding engineers in the field of basic sciences which helps them to have better understanding of the studies during the following years of their courses, they have chosen. The department deals, particularly, in the domains of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Communication Skills.
Each of our teachers is providing individual attention to the students with the goal to develop a strong base for their respective future careers by nurturing their analytical abilities and critical thinking. The well qualified and determined teachers of the department keep on engaging the students in various projects, assignments and activities which keep them abreast with latest developments.
Our well-equipped laboratories of Physics and Chemistry play a major role to give the practical exposure which strengthens the base of the students for their further studies of the course. The English language Laboratory in the department has all the credit for the effective communication skills among the students. We have two e-classrooms which are well equipped with latest technology.
The departmental society viz., Applied Science Society for Exploring Talent (ASSET) organizes various activities which are highly helpful for the overall personality development of the students. We have also established Light House which is working at the college level for the improvement of the English language of all the students. We have established Value Education Cell with the objective to inculcate the human values among the students.
We do not leave any stone unturned to give best quality education and utmost satisfaction to the students. Our mentorship programme and time to time Parent Teacher meet play a vital role to get the best results. Our main objective is to inspire and enable the students to handle the complex challenges that lie at the interfaces of science, technology, and society.
We wish all the best to our students!!!