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Automobile Servicing Course

B.voc Automobile service

Course Overview

A B. Voc. degree in Automobile Engineering, offered by one of the Top B. Vocational College in India-Amritsar Group of Colleges is a discipline of engineering that deals in amalgamating the components of electrical, software, mechanical, electronic, and security engineering as connected to the plan, produce and operation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and buses and their separate engineering. One can have a 3-year degree in this stream or 1 or 2-year diploma as well.


  • To Provide multiple entry and exit options at various levels through program design in conformation to the skill eco system
  • To create requisite job role specific skilled manpower for industry at various NSQF levels as per NOSs(National occupatinal standards).
  • To empower the youth leading to employment and income generating opportunities.
  • To provide judicious mix of skills relating to a profession and appropriate content of general education.
  • To provide flexibility to the students by means of pre-defined entry and multiple exit levels.
  • To integrate skill based NSQF vocational studies with the undergraduate level of higher education in order to enhance employability of the graduates and meet the industry requirements. Such graduates apart from meeting the needs of local and national industry are also expected to be competent to become part of the global workforce

Award Level Certificate

B. Voc. programme is designed with the provision for multiple exit levels. All the candidates enrolled for diploma courses or further will be treated at par from the second semester onwards. Students may exit after six months with the certificate (NSQF Level 4) or they may continue for diploma or advance diploma level courses leading to B. Voc. degree.

duration after +2
corresponding NSQF LEVEL
Certificate 6 months -
Diploma 1 year 5
Advance Diploma 2 year 6
B.voc Degree 3 year 7

Affiliation, Exam and Fees

  • Admission to these seats shall be done on Merit basis among applicants.
  • The concerned State Government/UT shall notify the Tuition and other Fees for candidates to be admitted.
  • Approx.Rs.25,000 Fees for the each course per semester for all the students.
  • Examination Body IKG Punjab Technical University.


1.First to Fifth Semester

  • Total Theory subject in a Semester: 4Theory (50 Marks each, 3 credits each)
  • Total Lab practical in a semester: 2 Practical (50 Marks each, 1.5 credits each)
  • Training : 2 Month (200 Marks,15 credits)

2.Sixth Semester

  • Total Theory subject in a 6th sem: 1 Theory (50 Marks each, 3 credits each)
  • Project work: 200 Marks
  • Training: 2 Month (200 Marks, 15 credits)
One Theory credit hours = 15 hours (Total hours for 3 credits 45 hours)
One Practical credit = 28-30 hours (Total hours for 1.5 credit 45 hours)

Modes Of Selection

    1. Admission to the B.Voc. programme in all the courses (Semester-I) shall be done purely on the merit in the qualifying examination (10+2 etc.)
    2. There are three categories of candidates who shall be given admission in Semester-I of the skill-based courses under NSQF.
  • Category 1: Students who have already acquired NSQF certification Level 4 in a particular Industry sector may opt for admission in the skill-based courses under NSQF.
  • Category 2: Students who have acquired NSQF certification Level 4, but may like to change their trade and enter into skill-based courses in a different trade.
  • Category 3 Students who have passed the 10+2 examination with conventional schooling without any background of vocational training