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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering received grant from AICTE under Modernisation and removal of obsolescence (MODROB) scheme of worth Rs. 14.91 lac under vide letter No. 9-292/RFID/MODROB/Policy-1/2014-2015. The grant was utilised to modernise the VLSI & DSP labs under project name & modernization of lab VLSI & DSP lab.

  • The Lab is used as Resource for Meeting the Current Industry Demands and will help to raise the Technical Potential of the Faculty and Students which will eventually create an Platform of Collaboration of the Academy with the Industry.
  • To provide latest knowledge of tools/software in VHDL to UG , PG students and Faculty.
  • To Provide Innovation and Industrial Research Oriented approach to UG and PG Students and the Faculty.
  • To provide Consultancy and VHDL based Faculty Development Programmes.

S. No. Proposed equipment/s No. of units Utilization
1. VHDL Software Xilinx Vivado System Edition 25 User Licenc 1.  Vivado Design Suite offers better overall tool performance, especially on large designs. The design environment provides powerful flow customization and analysis using Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC).

2.   Vivado® Design Suite delivers a SoC-strength, IP-centric and system-centric, next generation development environment that has been built from the ground up to address the productivity bottlenecks in system-level integration and implementation. The Vivado Design suite is a Generation Ahead in overall productivity, ease-of-use, and system level integration capabilities.Vivado supports the following devices families: Ultrascale, Virtex-7, Kintex-7, Artix-7, and Zynq -7000
2. FPGA based hardware kits- Zed board (XC7Z020 CLG84/1 AP SoC 2 It can be utilized in Multi-core FPGA Prototyping, SoC Prototyping, Telecommunications analysis, ASIC Prototyping, Code verification, Cloud computing, Video and Audio compression and filtering, Algorithm acceleration
3. Analog Discovery Board 5 1. The USB-powered Analog Discovery can measure, visualize, analyze, record and control mixed signal circuits of all kinds.

2. The Analog Discover design kit, is the first in a new line of all-in-one analog design kits that will enable engineering students to quickly and easily experiment with advanced technologies and build and test real world, functional analog design circuits anytime, anywhere - right on their PCs.
4. Electronic Explorer(integrated Analog/igital Circuit Design Station) 3 1. It is a powerful, all-in-one personal circuit design station. the (electronic explorer, EE Board is an designed for students, and engineering professionals that includes everything needed to build and test many analog and digital circuits on the desktop, without any other equipment.

2. With access to lab grade tools anytime, anywhere, students can implement theory with real hands-on circuit design and prototyping experiences.
5. Mentor Grahics EDA TOOLS
HEP Category 1
HEP Category 2
25 user licence each for part a and part b 1. It helps to design SoCs containing complex signal processing or image processing algorithm in a short period of time.

2. Mentor Graphics delivers a complete design solution for FPGA and ASIC HDL development beginning with comprehensive design creation addressing new code creation, formal and informal design reuse, and any combination in between. These HDL design capabilities greatly assist engineers, individuals and teams, in creating, analyzing, and managing their complex designs, improving their productivity and accelerating design creation.

3. It can be used in developing FPGA based embedded and discuss how FPGAs have the potential to be used as a platform for System-on-Chip (SoC) styled designs.

4. LeonardoSpectrum™ offers customers a well-proven, mature synthesis solution for both FPGAs and ASICs. .LeonardoSpectrum’s proprietary F.A.S.T. algorithm guarantees the highest QoR of any FPGA synthesis tool available today.