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Labs in Department of Electrical Engineering

Department Labs

The department of Electrical Engineering is one of the Best Electrical Engineering Colleges in Punjab (India). EE department in AGC-Amritsar consists of various labs which are well equipped with modern infrastructure, so that the practical aspects can be understood by the students.

  • Machine Lab:-DC Machines and Transformers, Single-phase and three-phase Induction Machines, Synchronous and Asynchronous Machines.

  • Power System Lab:-Experiment panels for Power System Protection.

  • Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Lab:-Experimental kits for diodes, transistors, voltage regulators and oscillators.

  • Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation Lab:- Transducers like LVDT, RTD, Megger and RTD, Bridges, Q-Meter and CRO.

  • BEEE Lab:- Experiment panels and kits for Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Electrical Engineering