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agc saeindia

AGC SAEINDIA COLLEGIATE club was started in 2019 with 50 student members in mentorship of Er. Rajbir Singh, AP (ME), Faculty Advisor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Since then it has achieved more and more through the consistent hard work and dedication by its student members. The collegiate club currently has a total of 140 student members. The Collegiate Club students participate in various vehicle design, fabrication and testing events in the name of Team SPARKRACRS (a group 50+ students under different teams for various events like BAJA SAEINDIA Competition).
The purpose of AGC SAE Collegiate Club is to provide its members opportunities to gain broader insight into the Automotive Technologies by sponsoring meeting that will bring practicing engineers from Industries to the campus for Students Interaction, arranging field trips to research and engineering Institutions, sponsoring student projects of Automobile Interest, and participating in SAE India section activities. Designing provide students experience with computer aided designing which may be used after B.Tech in profession. The fabrication of the vehicles teaches student members teamwork, and how to use different tools and machines during the fabrication of various parts and most importantly how to implement a concept from idea to design to physical automobile product. It provides continuity to engineering education and provides exposure to industrial operating environment and working conditions.
Team SPARKRACERS is the official team of Amritsar Group of Colleges,Amritsar. It operates under the aegis of AGC SAEINDIA Collegiate Club.

Mechanical Engineering