Setting a benchmark of its own, AGC has emerged as B.Tech ELECTRICAL Engineering College in Punjab, instilling deep fundamentals of physics, chemistry, and mathematics in the students' minds. The department emphasizes deep research methods and has an elaborate laboratory to meet the demands of extensive research and development. The department has a combination of the best-in-class researchers and faculties amalgamate with innovative technology. The Electronics & Communication Engineering Courses in Amritsar offered core knowledge of VLSI, Digital Signal Processing and Wireless Communication. To promote research, department is fully equipped with technical facilities like MATLAB Software, Vector Network Analyzer, Lab View by National Instrument, USA.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Highlights
- Highly qualified and experienced faculty.
- Well-equipped laboratories with latest equipment’s and software’s.
- Regularly organizing industrial visits.
- Training to address current and future trend of industry.
- Department organizes the guest lectures, seminars, and workshops.
- Alumni of the department are placed in reputed public and private organizations
Department Equipment’s
B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering Course provide various equipment’s to our future engineers and the list of equipment used are: Electronics Measurement & Instrumentation lab, Bridges Apparatus, CRO, Function Generator, Galvanometer, Wireless RF Hardware, Lissajous Pattern, Analog Devices & Circuits LAB Rectifiers Kits, Regulators, Transistor biasing Kits, JFEET study pattern Kits ,Digital & Analog Communication Lab QPSK Kits, MATLAB Vesion-7, Logic Kit, Amplifier Kits, National Instrument Vector Signal Transceiver and many more.
Future Job Scope
AGC provides various opportunities to their students, they may get settle in any of multinational company in India or in Abroad, also they get settle in any Govt Organization and they can choose various career options. Students who pursue Degree in ECE will get various career opportunities as multiple companies visit Top Amritsar Group of Colleges, Amritsar.